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Benoît Serive

Benoît Serive

CV web Benoît Serive

Pharmacognosie marine
Biologie marine
Biotechnologie marine
42 ans
Permis de conduire
Freelance En simple veille
Lauréat du Prix de la vocation 2006

Lauréat 2013 Bourse Marie Curie IOF Programme OCEANCHArCoT

Membre du Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et de Fluxomique

Membre de l'Association Francophone pour l'Enseignement et la Recherche en Pharmacognosie

Membre de l'American Society of Pharmacognosy

Membre de l'Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography

Reviewer pour les journaux
Marine Drugs et Algal Research

Invité au congrès Végétaux aquatiques : écologie et bénéfices (Porquerolles, octobre 2013)

Conférencier invité au 5ème Congrès International des Biotechnologies
(Valence, Espagne, Juin 2014)

En quelques mots :

Volontaire, passionné et sensible au respect des valeurs humaines, je souhaite mettre mes compétences au service de la recherche de molécules à haute valeur ajoutée issues de la biodiversité marine.

Domaine d'intérêt :

A l'interface entre l'océanographie biologique et la pharmacognosie marine

Palme d'or du superviseur érudit, bienveillant et intègre décernée à :

Prof. Ronald J. QUINN
(Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery, Brisbane, Australie)

Mentor inspirant :

Prof. émérite Jean-Michel KORNPROBST
(Université de Nantes)
  • Programme OCEANCHArCoT : OCEAN CHemodiversity Against Cell Cycle Targets
  • Production de fractions marine optimisées "drug like"
  • Évaluation d'activité biologique de fractions issues d'organismes de le grande barrière de corail australienne
  • Déréplication de signatures RMN de fractions marines
  • Aim: Research of new marine inhibitors targeted against desease-relevant proteins kinases

    These latter are involved in various human pathologies such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases or can be targeted to alter the life cycle of various parasites such as those responsible neglected parasitic diseases such as leishmaniasis and malaria. There are no physiological events not involving significant changes in protein phosphorylation. Therefore, PKs constitute currently the first class of targets used by pharmaceutical companies for the characterization of novel bioactive compounds. In a project intended to exploit the ocean biodiversity, Jean-Baptiste Charcot (1867-1936), a pioneer in oceanography established large collections of marine organisms. Taking this one step further, my project aims to source marine crude extracts from the Nature Bank collection (QLD, Australia), and from the unique Roscoff Culture Collection of microalgae (France) to identify new PK inhibitors. We will focus our analysis on PKs involved in the control of the cell division cycle (CDKs, TLKs and mitotic kinases such as Haspin and Auroras). The cellular effect of the selected inhibitors will be analysed on various cancer cell lines. This project will benefit from a new cutting edge technology will be used for the early screening of marine chemodiversity: bioaffinity (focused on PKs) mass spectrometry with a Bruker SolariX 12 Tesla FTMS. The lead-like enhanced fractions will be tested against various disease models and dereplicated in order to quickly identify bioactive molecules. Hit fractions will be produced in larger quantity before purification, characterization and pharmacological evaluation. In conclusion, OCEANCHArCoT will contribute, from Australia to France, to the research of marine bioactives to discover new therapeutic avenues to fight growing medical and social burdens such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.